Hello, misters.
mike223 doesn't cease to surprise even me. Now I will tell about its program and I will teach you to use it.
For work with the program it is necessary to find
Id of the camera which we will change. At once I will tell that after camera change change will be on all cars on which this camera is used
. Be attentive! Search of Id is simple:
TDUPE It is necessary to open a tab represented on the picture.
We remember or write down the car name in this column, further we use other program, it is called:
TDU Modding Tools There in
Vehicle Manager (central) in the section
Camera-IK there is a joining - the name of a car and camera Id for example: AC 289|101, Edonis|303, etc.
We find the name of the remembered or written-down car and we remember figure near it, it is the necessary Id.
We start the program. I will show for a camera for
2012 Cadillac Escalade ESV. I chose the camera from Edonis for it. Edonis Id:
303 In indicator byte (Индикационный байт) camera Id is specified
Further we press "A file choice" (Выбор файла) and we look for the module with coordinates of cameras - the Cameras.bin file
Usually it is: Test Drive Unlimited\Euro\Bnk\DataBase also is respectively pressed it.
Below there are columns. In them there are coordinates of cameras.
__ X __ left – right
__ Y __ up – down
__ Z __ forward – back
Further it is necessary to specify that the Camera (D) (Камера) is the ordinary decimal mechanism of notation 1,2,3 … 10 … 20, etc.
Camera (H) hexadecimal 1,2,3 … 9, 0а, 0b, … 0f, etc.
Here that we have when opening camera with ID 303
Lines Camera Change of coordinates becomes so:
In the Initial (Исходное) column initial coordinates are specified; in the New (Новое) column those coordinates which are necessary to you (experiment and you look results, everything will turn out)
However, I experimented yesterday and received the necessary value of the camera:
It is NECESSARY to NOTE that if you use line: Chamber (D) (Камера), surely make double "click" in the same column, line below that the result was transferred to (H) a hexadecimal code.
Attention! It isn't necessary to edit the Initial (Исходное) columns!
Lines Look Further it is necessary to edit the lines Look (D)(Взгляд) and the Look (H) (Взгляд). On X and Y transfer values from the Chamber (Камера) (D) and (H).
For Z it is necessary to increase value, differently your look it will be directed aside! ! ! If someone edits all this time at once in (H), it isn't necessary to edit (D).
Final stage: To CLICK ON "to Edit"
Further surely close this program and start TDU. If at you that it didn't turn out, means YOU have to ask in this subject or wait the new version of the program.
P.S. The section "Wheel Turn" (Поворот руля) - a point of view on an axis Y (up and down)
P.S.S. This way won't be suitable for the right wheel. mike223 promised to tell how to make the camera for the right wheel
Result: Photos "before" aren't present as the camera was simply напросто in a seat.