Главная » Koenigsegg»2011 Koenigsegg Agera

2011 Koenigsegg Agera

Описание файла:

Vehicle replaced: CCR ( if u want CC8S)

Converted by: StarGT

Credits: 3D Model, Wheels & Interior - Forza , StarGT from https://vk.com/free_3d_car_models


- working indicators on dashboard

- light system

- own exterior gauges

- working doors

- quality mirrors

- digital tachometr

- own rims - Star Wheels

- own tires - Michelin

- quality doors sills

- high quality gauges

- quality interior with stitches

- camera view without camhack



Low spec computers beware!

!!Please make sure to backup your original files before installing this mod !!


Mod requires

Test Drive Unlimited: Project Paradise v0.03A with bigbnk option
Дата добавления: 04.04.2021, 15:10| Добавил:tolik| Просмотров страницы: 2058| Загрузок файла: 518
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